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...Hungry Much?...

Hahaha! Today, I want to tell you a bit of what I ate yesterday because yesterday, I ate a load of food. I ate all the food at "Shakey's Pizza", a restaurant in 1 Utama(a mall)... I went to the mall with my family, my aunts, my uncle. Yummy! They're all so tasty and making my tummy smile all day long. Hehe! ^^

Here are the list of what I ate yesterday on 23th December 2007;

-> 1 full cup of "Mashroom soup"
-> some of the "France Fries" (hope I spelled it correctly).
-> 1 piece/slice of meat pizza
-> 1 piece/slice of vegetable pizza
-> 1 piece/slice of pizza that taste like curry much (asean type)
-> 1 burger's meat with vegetable like, salad
-> 1 large glass of "Coke" with ice
-> 2 piece of "Garlic Bread"
-> 1 piece of "Bread 'Stix'"
-> 2 doughnut from a shop nearby (forget the name)
-> 1 large of paper glass "Milo" with ice from McD
-> 1 from some of the "Onion Fries" from McD too

Eat makes me happy and walk straight, think rasionally, behave nicely, smile perfectly, choose things rightly!

Hey3! Don't make fun of my tummy... cause I love it so much! Huahaaha^^


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