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Betting with Fatin

1 more days to go! woohoo! and i'll be back to the school full of excitement. wakkakaa! i cant wait anymore, duhh! i hav no where else to go other than school. i cant go out on my own, well, actually i can but i know that Mom wont allow me to. wakkakaa! she's always too protecting but it's okay though because the internet is at HOME! Weee! but while Mom being too protecting, that doesnt mean i havent got myself out of this house since we're here. i'm always out of the house when i was little. i used to followed my brothers to play games with some friends when we were a lot younger. but then, my family moved to a new house, which is dis house [often giv d house some visits bfore we move in though - i'm kind of into it, u know] and i dont know any friends here so, didnt go out much since then. *weep*

Luckily, Aqilah came into my life and brighten my old dull days. we played, we had our adventures like, going far from home and be back before 7pm [its a must], we built new games and new place like, Tasik Geram, a hole on the side road that's always full of raindrops [used to throw stones and BRICKS into it], we SPIED on things dat weren't supposed to be spied anyway [still keeping our spying note book, hahaa] and we had fun, of course. She teached me how to ride the bicycle because I forgot how to. maybe it was because i havent ride my bike since the family moved in the house, wakakkaa! i still remember, i got on her yellow bike and she held one side of the bike and told me to pedal until i succeeded and still can ride bikes till now.

wahahaa! i used to be scared of riding big bicycle because i cant reach the ground but, it's okay now, I'M TALL ENOUGH for any bikes [except for monsters' bikes, ekekeke!] :DD

Today, I went to a wedding ceremony. Who's married? A woman's son. She used to take good care of me and my little brother when we were a whole lot younger If Mom and Dad werent home. She will take me and my lil brother to her house and feed us, cheer us, play with us, be patient of us. Mom said dat I will cry and shout whenever she takes me to her home but, I didnt remember. Okay, maybe a bit but dat didnt mean anything. At least, I know and I remember her, clearly. I can still remember her daughter and her youngest son but, I dont remember her second child, her son too, the one who got married today. Her children are all bigger and older than me. I remember her daughter, Kak Ita, because she used to give me colourful candies [well, i thought dat they were candies] but, i only remember the red ones. Then, her youngest son, Faiz [maybe his name spell like dis], who used to sing in the bathroom and i guess he's probably not doing that now. hihiiii..people do sing in bathroom, right? so, dat's just normal.

But, what makes me uncomfortable is dat she didnt look that happy today. She had just lost her husband 3 weeks ago, pity aye.. right on the day where i post the entry entitle "Bye Mom, Bye Dad". *silence*

Well, whatever it is, life goes on. We're born, we live then, we die. That's just life and we hav to deal with it. If dont want to, be GONE already...and since when i did i start to lecture at people? omg, am i getting older? hahaa, probably not. i'm just getting taller, thats all. :DD

OK, back to the title we're in. today, i read "e @ siswa" - a geeky fact dat i rarely share with my friends. well, it's not geeky though, it's kind of awesome and relaxing, too. but, that has nothing to do with the title, wakakakaa! heyy, i had started to read Ella Mental and it was dull turning okay to boring and voila! kabooom! it was GRREEAAAAAAATTTTTT + exciting which equals to kind-of-awesome!! and that, too, has nothing to do with the title, Again.. wakakakkaa! i talked nonsense, aye?? pfffft, get lost already [nah, not u. dat nonsense]. okay, lets get lost to the next pharagraph becus this one, yeh dis one, is kind of BOARR~RINGGG~~

it's almost 1am. well, it's 1am at the clock behind my left and it was 12:55am at the clock in front of my right facing to the left and 1:02am at the computer clock, wakakkaaakaa! and here's another one, it's 1:03am now. ekekekee! i dunno which one is right. OKAY, today i chatted with Aten and it was nice and a little funny and weird..uhh, basically, it was supposed to be unique or maybe it was uniquely weird. wahahahahaa! dat's just us, though. we had deal [dealed? i dunno what it is in "past tense"] to bet on something uniquely weird.

well, i said, "siape tegur kemudian kene dende belanje kat koperasi."

so, it's about betting on who's going to greet who first? and the one who's late, have to treat the one who had greet first something at the school koperasi. so, dat's what i'm suppose to tell in dis entry, hehe! i turned out blabbing about something else first.

beberape minggu yg lepas, ayah ade beli heli mainan. malam selepas tu, abang dgn adik aku pun maen lah. hari neh, ibu tnye npe pasal tak maen menatang tuu lagi then, abg kate ade something wrong dengan benda alahh uh jadi tak dapat maen. aku tnye sape yg buat. it turn out dat Dad played it and kaboom! it wasn't exploded but a lil broken here and there. still can be played around but, abg kate dy memang tak lehh nak ke kiri, ke kanan sebab memang dah cmtu. and, bukan sebab ayah maen heli mainan tu jugak, yeh. hehehe! yang sedihh uh, aku tak sentuh pun lagi helikopter tuu. hmm, isk..isk..isk *sobbing*

dis night, abg bace buku cerite aku Mr.Meddle's Bicycle and other stories. kalau korg tau, cerite tuu cerite Enid Blyton the kanak2 genre tapi, it;s a good examplery for ur English. i started with dat, hehehehe! bang long pulak asik gelak sensorang, tetibe lak tuu. tu haa depan komputer, chatting sme kawan dy. pstu, klo kene sound, dy gelak gak uh. mmg ade something goes wrong somewhere yehh dy uh?? ni sorang lgi, tetibe kate aku nyanyi macam Jamal Abdillah, bile lak aku menyanyi neh? and dy ckap2 lagi so, tiap2 kali dy ckap aku pun start b'cakap. wakakkaka, dan dy sudah senyap. dy sekarang berade di samping adik aku. wakakkaa, *gilaa bahse* whoa, klo cmne lahh hari2. lehh kasi improve aku nye karangan neh. unfortunately, i'm not using the right words and the right language, hhaaahhaa! okehh, nk gi smbung edit foto.



quen said…
i read it to..
buku mak aku actually..
citer die mcm best..
dan selalu kena bertanyer..
english too old..
tak paham..

btw..visiting plus reading..

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