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"there's always gonna be another mountain,
i always gonna wanna make it move
always gonna be an uphill battle
sometimes i gotta have to lose
aint about how fast i get there
aint about what's waiting on the other side
it's the climb

.miley cyrus-the climb

i have just uploaded that song using Ares.
i dunno why i like that song.
maybe because it repairs the courage inside me.
or myb, it's her voice - something that i cant explain. wth.
okay, 'nuff said.
i like that song, dat's the point.

other than that,
i'mma start my revision for the mid-year exam tomorrow.
i think i will need new excercise books.
it happened that i had accidentally finished the old ones.
so, those books will be buried under some other books sooner or later.
and a couple more years, they'll get lost and disappear.
years after that, If i happen to find them, they're no longer needed.
LOL! being excercise books are tough, isnt it?
esp when it comes to a tragic end. got burnt for example.
but, dear books. you're safe in my hand.
i wont burn any book. i wont do such thing.
maybe i'll keep you and make a perfume out of yourself. haha!
not gonna happen but, WHO KNEW ?

at least, it's not as vain as burning them. lol.

"life's about film stars
and less about mothers
it's all about fast cars
and passing each other
but it doesnt matter
cus i'm packing plastics
and dat's what makes my life
so fuckin fantastic

.lily allen-the fear

i like that song too.
with her accent, it makes the song sounds different.
and i like difference. mamma mia!
wth. and if you're not an open-minded person,
you will say dat this song is up to no good.
with the lyrics and all those rubbish saying dat she'll kill somebody,
take her clothes off and what?
deal with it. it's just a song.
and she wont be a murderer cus she's got a job already.
you can hear she sings, rite? LOL! wth am i saying.
smile, smile.
*moving to one side and run quickly with a silly grin and smiling eyes on the face - probably sweating a bit and eye brows lookin worried. can u even imagine dat?

i'm bored of these.
some teacher really messed ur mind up.
ughh, but idc. she can say whathellever she wants.
it makes her look badd, not me.
pity, she cant even make herself look good.
but i forgave her already because i used her to grant my own wish.
now my wish was granted, i dont need her any longer.
she can do whathellever she wants - i dont wanna know.
sometimes, i got fed-up with her bossing around the class.
act like she knows everything and told us dat we're badd and stupid.
lol. i dont want to talk about her any longer.
infact, i felt like backspacing this crap about her. lol.

okay, so i guess i'm going to change my attitude.
i'm going through my life on my own way and be a better Umirul.
life's gonna be fun.
i'm going to change, dude!
i can feel the fire burning in ur eyes!
*with a face full of expressions and those eyes, they're twinkling and shining and looked as if they were polished with Kiwi; shoe polisher.
hands held tight infront of the face and probably grinning like the grinning bobcat[what ever its name is, idc]
ouh yeahh, do that bear really look as if he is grinning? for real?
cus if it's true, i wanna meet him. LOL.
i can imagine we'll hug each other like a girl and her stuffed animal holding tight together with no bond among them.

merepek je aku malam-malam ney kan. hehee.
taa pe lah, sampai sini je kali ney.
laen hari, laen mase. aku cerita lah lagi ape2 yang patut.
hm, okay now. assalamualaikum.
: )


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