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not once but, forever

it comes naturally and goes beautifully

what's cookin ? hehe . it's been nearly uhm , 5 months since i can remember . burrrr , i should go and propose Billie Joe Armstrong instead . haha ! me ? proposing ? no no no . i wont do such thing . right now , i'm busy with stuff . and this stuff , i cant leave them . haha . didnt text anyone for weeks [ except for those who texted me first ] and feeling kind of bored . hehe . usually , i dont start a conversation but , since this friend didnt text me for one whole week , i started to feel left out . haha , takde lah tapi saje saje nak mesej . haha . so , one night , before i went to get some beauty sleep [ hahaa ] , i sent , " Good night " with a smiling face . but , didnt get any reply . it made me feel a little pissed off when the text was delivered !!

that was so uncool . i hate ******************** . what am i ?

ishh , dah lah member satu kepale aku dah bla . diye buleh buat aku macam nie ? huwaa huwaa . so much for another fuckin insult . gahhhhh .. i hope i could tell how much i miss the bunch of my friends . they left to some other school . hmmm , something good is cookin . the smell is flooding my vein . haha . i notice my mind receiving impulses , wakakaka ! guess where the smell came from . aaahh , yeah , the house behind ours . hehe , sometimes i can tell they cooked delightful meals and also , when they didnt because it smelled like something decaying . hahaa !

geesh , you know what things i enjoy doing now ? sleep .

since when ? i can hardly remember when i start . haha . when i started to dislike the things i was mentioning , i will just go and change the topic . and i know that my grammar is nothing better than yours . i admit that . what am i going to tell you now ? hmmm .

grrr , i hope i could kill her . maybe stab her for numerous times . i swear i'll shout something disgraceful if she asks me with the same question again . aku oke jea dengan Ain , apesal kau lak nak menyibuk tanye aku macam2 ?! benci ahh bhaii .. pasal kau dengan your-going-away-secret-crush / boyfriend-harapan-but-tak-jadi yg kau bgai nak rak bercerite kat orang tu , takde pulak aku pegy jadi busybody tanye itu ini . skrng , ape motif kau tnye aku mcm2 ? girlfriend aku pun tak penah tanye macam tu sekali . beragak siket ayat kau tu , tak pasal2 aku kutok kau depan2 krng . bukan sekali due kau tnye , dah byk kali lah ! tak sedar diri , ganggu relationship org laen , bajet kau baek sgt . hahahhaaa !! nak aku burok kan kau ?

kalau jadi ape2 kat kawan aku tu , aku bgtau dorg bnde sbena . lantak kau lahhh , suke carik pasal kan ? weyy , naseb baek kawan aku sarankan jgn ckap kasar dgn kau . xtau lah pe jadi , kalau sahabat aku uh tak warn aku .
hmm , back to the title . hahaa . yeah , sekali kite berkawan , selame nye kekal kawan kan ? betol betol betol . hm , i received a text just now . give him a reply but , he did not . hm , entah . ape kene entah , tak paham betol . anyways , i am too busy with this blog to give anyone a text right now . hehe , oh ye , pagy tadi bangun jea teros sentuh handphone uh . aaa , nak snooze alarm . then , got up and searched for my blue sport top . hm , didnt feel like wearing the school uniform today - ironed it and brought it upstairs . went to take my morning bath and everything , went downstairs and wore my bagpack . dum dee dum dumm , went outside , turned the key of mom's car , picked up the newspaper , handed it onto the table and , sat in the car .
late to school for only-Allah-knows-for-how-many-times , ran away from sir Yesodh's sight [ discipline teacher ] again , put my bag in the class , and quickly went to the hall for Friday's assembly . pheww , didnt got any smack with the rolled-white-paper , hehee . i love being in school almost everyday - i cant imagine what's going to happen when the school ended . yeah , obviously , when i turn 18 . goshh ..
you wanna know why i love being in school ? if i stay at home , i'll get bored . if i went loitering outside , i'll get bored . if i follow anyone to anywhere , i'll get bored too . school is the only place i've already got to spend my time wisely enough . hehee , yeah man , it's true . gahahaa ! so , do you love school ?


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