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The Obsessed Surgeons!

thus, the frog died and it lives happily ever efter

Well, I'm here again.

After losing the appetite to be online, I've got something to tell finally. A friend said, "You used to be an online freak. Now, you're not, right? Why is that?" and I replied, "Yeah, not anymore. Got bored - being online is not my thing anymore." So, there you have it. If I didn't online for days, weeks, months or perhaps for years, don't ask. I'm just bored. People changed so, I've changed - a lot.

Last Thursday, the whole class prepared for a surgery. Hahaa, animals are going to be killed. And, we were eager, jubilant and excited waiting for that moment. Some animals are fun to be killed, yeah yeah. It's like this. We've got to prepare a frog and we have to operate them. From early in the morning, some of us went jumping up and down hunting for frogs. Some of us just being prepared for the surgery. The others was just doodling frogs cartoons on papers and some freaked out when the frogs freaked out. It's good to know that they have something in common when some of them are going to be dead, right? Can't you feel the link between those living things? HAHAHAA.

First, the teacher put some cotton wool dipped into chloroform in a big glass jar. Then, we put the frogs in it and they begin to jump and jump and stay calm for a moment before they closed their eyes - they fainted. Later, we took them out and pin their front and back foots on...something I don't remember it's name. In my group, my friend Ain got the chance to cut the frog's skin first. Then, Faizal joined her followed by Hazim. Some moments later, I asked Hazim for the knives and stuff so, I could try and cut the frog too. HAHAA. It was fun eventhough my hands shakes. I don't want to abuse that frog but my inner instinct told me that this is once in a life time, SO I WENT AND CUT THE FROG'S JAW SKIN but couldn't find its brain.

After sketching the look of the frog after the surgery, we became obsessed and begin to take out the frog's organs, tounge, small intestines and all except the heart. It was fun seeing the heart beating eventhough we took out all of the organs. We wanted to see what the frog have eaten for its breakfast or its lunch the day before, haha, so we cut its stomach and some dark coloured liquid spilled out. Last, we found a ' biji getah ' in the frog's stomach. How lame - why did the frog swallowed this thing? No wonder the stomach looked and felt weird. We smiled and took some pictures with the dead frog before we acted sort of insanely. Before living the laboratory, we cleaned the tools and kept them where they belong and threw the frogs away. It was FFFFFUUUUUNNNNNN !!

P/S : Teacher, can we do this again, please??? Sekali cube rase cm best pulak maen bedah-bedah katak bgai neh. Hehe, kpd classmate yg siap bawak ank ktak tu utk prtnjukan trakhir nk tgk mak dorg mati kne sembelih tu mmg caya lah. Aku sdri x sggop genggam ktak dlm tgn aku yg slu gne buat pengubat kelaparan neh ye. Ye, aku mgku, aku mmg agk penakut plus penggeli cket. Tp at least, aku buleh lah bukak mate smbil bedah ktak tu and sentuh-sentuh muscle ktak yg x brpe nak six packs tu - bare hand weyh!


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