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finished reading

lately i've been reading comics via online and i think its kinda great. i dont have to stuck up my nose behind comic books anymore, now that the internet allow people to read online. hehe. hm, i used to buy comics from book stores but ill have to wait for their new series and that's exhausting. waiting makes me forgot stuff so, while i wait i do things and then i forgot about buying the comic book. when i remembered about it, i have to find another book store to buy the comic because stock lasted already. it wasnt that long for the stock to finished but, it is a very long time to wait for new series! dumb stores! always make me lost in the middle of stories. but, that happened a long time ago. so, three cheers for me because i can read online now. dont have to wait for new series because i can stay up all day and all night to finish series of comics. hahaa!

and, dah habis dah pun aku bace komik In search of a furu moon[full moon]. tak tau kenape tapi bahase Kanji tak sebut pun fullmoon sbgai mitsuki atau suki moon tapi, disebut sbgai furu moon (info dari wikipedia). biaselaah, dieorg ade accent sendiri an ? aku tak rase pun yang bahse Kanji tukar fullmoon jadi furu moon, maybe furu moon tu hanye accent aje. hehe. sebab kebanyakan lagu-lagu jepun pun sebutan bahse Inggeris dy laen sikit jdi, tak mustahil lah furu moon tu accent japanese tu saje. btul tak ? klo tak btul, tak tau laah. i might kene saman dgn pihak tertentu kowt tapi, kejap. sori lahh wahai org2 japan klo tak betul. hehe. aku mesti selamat an blog ni. lalalalaalaa~

that's just sangkaan aku je. LOL.

hey, kawan2! thinking of texting me lately ? just do it. im already bored of waiting anyway. hm, i dunno when to use "anyways", i dunno that there is a word "anyways" but, i usually found them while reading posts from blogs. hahaa! my English are not that good. still kene belajar mcm mak kawan aku dah cakap. ehhehe. sbenanye, xtau laah btul ke tidak. aku dgn member aku lgi sorg nie yg maen2 kan kawan aku tu. hehe! smpai aku lupe pasal kejadian sebenar. tapi, itu waktu dulu. one time when we're so little yet so mischievous in former school. now that we're in secondary, we dont fool around like little kids anymore. i still have good memories about me and my friends in year 12. hehee. lepas habis bace komik ni, tak tau nak buat ape pulak. hm. semakin kurang laah kerje aku musim cuti. belajar kene jugak cuti-cuti ni sebab tahun dpn ade PMR.

kalau aku buat "to-do list" untuk hari ni, mesti tak macam orang laen.

  • subuh
  • internet
  • mandi
  • sarapan
  • tv
  • makan
  • internet
  • zuhur
  • makan
  • rehat
  • buku
  • asar
  • internet
  • makan
  • maghrib
  • tv
  • internet
  • isyak
  • internet/tidur

hehee. perkare ape paling banyak ? boleh laah gelak sekarang, tahun depan aku terpakse kurangkan yang paling banyak tu. taleyh nak sebut ape bende, korg tau-tau laah.



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