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this morning,

i heard my cel sounded so i opened my eyes. maybe, the cel had started to buzz itself minutes ago cume aku je tak psan. after i opened my eyes, i looked around the room and it was not very dark. i was still feeling sleepy so i closed my eyes and opened it again and again after some secs. ughh..felt lazy and i was like, 'why did i have to go to school ?' and 'why cant the school start a little late? i can continue my sleep now'. after that, i heard my brother opened the door and went downstairs and up again to go to the bathroom. i thought for a sec, 'he's in the bathroom. i still have some time to sleep. i better go' so, i got myself to the door and went to the other bedroom. there, i lied on the bed and slept for about 15 minutes, maybe. then, i woke up and took my morning bath. how great, i can control the heater. the water was not cold and it was not very hot, just fine. everytime i got myself a morning bath, i thoght, 'i cant bath with cold water. it makes me sick everytime it gets near me' but i like cold water because it makes me feel refreshed. hahaa but it makes me sneeze my morning and that'll be terrible.

after i got dressed this morning, i grabbed my scarf and went downstairs. solat for minutes and got myself ready for school. i also took my breakfast by drinking soy milk and i ate 2 vitamin-c [1 was broke into two and 1 was eaten in its original form], well, it had became a habit since the last 2 years. without those, i must have been sneezing all my way to school. i used to be that way when i was younger but now, i;m more healthy than that. still, i cant make myself weight more than 40kg so, i have to be proud of my 38kg body. weeeee!! i'll nvr b fat! i'm happy! i should be happy because i only weight 28kg when i was 13 and i had successfully increased my weight to 35kg on the age, 14, and increased some more on the same year to 38kg. i tried to increase my weight to 40kg but, i cant. i think i'll be 40kg this year, just wait. i'll tell you when i got myself 40kg. hahahhaa...i must have ate a lot when i was 14, i amazed myself. felt good since then~

i love my 14-year-old life. even if it was filled with lots of stupidd stuff i've done. the mistakes i made..they made me feel good. wuu, i've done lots of stupidd stuff last year. i hope i will nvr repeat the same mstakes bcus dat would be even foolish than it had been. wakakkaa!

about my lost English text book, Cinta found it for me under a table in 4C. the girl in the class told me dat a boy named Nazmi [or watever 'is name is] took it just for fun. i felt so pissed off and felt like kicking 'is large intestine out of 'is tummy! he's lucky bcus i dont know 'im. i planned to make 'im admit to 'that woman' that he's d one who cause me to b standing outside the class. i had nvr know someone who is very annoying that would do something evil like that. he's evil, for sure. i think i know him somehow but, didnt want to hold grudges dis year - i let him free. let 'that woman' think whatever she wants to think but i know that i didnt do anything wrong on dat day. i just lost my book because that boy took it and placed it under his table [yepp, not in the drawer but under the table which is on the floor - how cruel is dat]. till now, when i happen to met him by accident, i will do nothing but continue walking to my destination. wakakaaka! *takde untung aku hold grudge kan, baik biar je. kasi Tuhan yg balas dh memadai*

dlu mse skola rendah laen lah, spe carik psal mmg diye yg kne balik tpi skrng dah tak zaman lah buat cmtu - pde aku lah. biar je org nak buat ape, nk ckap pe, asl kn aku hepi idup gaye aku. hahahhaa! xyah nak cmpur urusan org, bkn nye dieorg kenal aku pun. nk ambik tau psl aku lgi lah, xkan ade nye tuu. jdi, care t'baik, biarkan je. smpai mse, dy pun bosan dn brenti secare automatik nye. dah biase dah pun...dah x rase ape dah bile bnde jdi cmnie. hahhaaahahhaaha. yg aku tau, aku tak rugi ape2 pun. diye kcau idup org, dy tanggung lah dose dy sndiri. nk bukak akaun msuk nerake ssme, ajak laen org lahh. aku tak nak. TAK NAK! TAK MAU! TAK PERLU!

pstu, pasal pe lgi yeh aku nk cter. hmm...Tyra dah tak gune blog lgi yehh? oke. nnt akk buat lah ape2 yg patut. cter laen, uhm, td byk aku nk cter. lupe lak dah. pasal kelas PC tdi, aku tak pegi pun. aku terus balik rumah, jalan kaki. bukan jauh sgt pun.. tak kisahh. ow ye, esok ade Sukantara. dah siap akk Umul kasi kupon dah. ade 4 acare cm sia . tahun lps pun cm sia je, maen2 tgh padang. hampe doww tahun neh tak dpt maen 'galah pnjang' sbb form3 tak ambik bhgian. budowww btul, aku suke maen galah pnjng sbb bdk2 neh sllu xpsan aku lalu. hmm, last maen mse drjah 3 dow. tu pun kalah teruk maen dgn sedare. ntah ape tangkal dieorg pkai ntah. asik monang ye. maen dlm hotel, xbyk kawasan leh gune. lgipun, secare jujur nye, aku x paham maen galah pnjng cmne mse tuu. mse msuk b'tnding kat skola menengah tu laa aku baru belajar maen. maen care ganas, care menipu, care nak gune penyepak dari blkng org pstu kte, 'weyy, kau dh mati lah. aku dah touch kaw tdi' dgn selambe nye. tpi, care tu aku try skali seumur hidup weyhh, coach mate cm sia je pndang mcm nak telan org doww. *jahat ke aku?*

pstu, maen ganas mmg sllu lah. tu pun selepas sorg akk tu x mau mengalah lak bile aku dah betul2 touch diye. pstu, pe lagi. dengan slumber nye aku kasi tamparan hebat tiap2 kali aku nak touch org. kasi diye rase btul2 yg diye dah kene touch kat aku. akk yg xmau mengalah tu pun dah merase dah. lantak lahh diye nk kate ape, aku dah touch care baik diye xnak. mehh, aku kasi touch yang diye akn ingt smpai xtido malam. sume akk tu punye pasal, budak2 laen pun kne touch dgn care ganas. mmg spe yg kene tu sah2 akn diiktiraf mati sebab akan mengaduh kesakitan kene tampar kat bahu masing2. kesian doww dieorg, dieorg takde un touch aku kasar2. hehhehe! sesekali, takpe lah. lagipun, kte maen2 je kan. bukan de niat nak tampar betul2 pun. klo iye pun aku benar2 nak tampar org, on the face ckup lah. baru terase nikmat menampar tuu. kan, kan?? part yg best, sir Yeshodh tak marah pun bile aku cter pasal neh kat diye. makne nye tak berat un kes ni kan. kan Sir, kan?? Sir ketawe ade lahh. diye suke lah tuu. sir mmg senantiase hepy un..xyah cter lahh. pstu, 2 kali b'tnding, 2 menang. tpi secare keseluruhan, 2 kali brtanding, 1 kali menang. sbb keseluruhan tak kire menengah rendah atau menengah atas. huuuu...tpi 'lower form', kelas aku xpenah kalah lgi. wakakkaka!

weee! hehe..yg maen misk0l2 dgn aku petang smlm tu aku dah tau dah sape. hahaha! aku dah padam balik nmber diye kat blog [yg 017 dlm survey Tag tuu]. spe dah tau nmber tu, jangan kacau diye yehh. nnt konsentrasi pembelajaran diye t'ganggu pulak. tahun neh diye nk ambik pekse. korg tolong wish yg baik2 buleh lahh. oke, tata!


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