hari nie biasebiase je.
takde yang best sangat, takde yang tak best langsung.
sume biase je. tapi taklah boring.
hm, kire okeoke jelah kowt ye.
ade sorang je member tak datang skola tadi.
akk diye kate, diye demam panas smpai masuk hospital.
cepatcepat lah sembuh, buleh lepaking lagi.
wakakakakaa! point aku tu aje.
dah sehat, jom laa ronggeng dengan aku.
*ayat taleyh bla*
agakagak diye bawak phone tak kat hospital uh?
ingat nak wish apeape yang patut.
hm, sempat jugak hari tu diye balut meja kat kelas.
baikkbaik member aku nie kan.
hm, tapi satu pulak tabiat diye - suke sound orang ikut suke hati je.
tapi bagus hape. sebab diye tak penah sound aku.
hm, dah dah laa tu. terbatuk-batuk pulak diye karang.
uhmm, tadi cikgu Norsyam dah kasi dah tugasan Sejarah.
malas nak citer laa an, aku dah buat dah sikit2. hahahhahaa!!
memang susah nak pecaye, kan? sebab aku tak buat apeape pun lagi.
relax laaa, cikgu baru kasi tadi lahh.
nanti kene lepak dgn clique yang ckgu dah asingasing kan tadi.
sebab senang nak carik bahan.
kalau cikgu tak buat cmnie, agak2 tak gerak laa kiteorg.
macam aku tak kenal je budak2 dalam kelas tuu.
dah lame dah aku jadi bendahari kelas, aku tau laa perangai masing2.
takyah bagi ape2 alasan, aku tau je ape masalah dieorg.
bukan susah nak kenal member dalam kelas sendiri nie.
laen laa kalau laenlaen kelas. kan, kan?
hmm. oke, end of story.
petang tadi balik skola ingat nak gi library siap kan keje skola.
tapi end up balik dengan ibu pulak.
batal kan je laa niat nak kuar balik tuu.
takde harapan punye. LOL! lagipun, xde mase laa nak kuar rumah skrng.
busy, busy. takde mase nak loitering merate-rate tempat lagi dahh.
tahun lepas pun tak banyak lepak.
2 tahun lepas, hmm. ade lahh beberape kali yang buleh dikire gune jari kaki.
peduli ape, kan? esok luse jumpe balik.
duduk rumah pun keje skola buleh siap. bukan nye susah.
cikgu dah kasi tunjuk ajar kat kelas, dah cukup.
tapi risau jugak pasal math tahun lepas.
banyak yang aku dah tak ingat laa. nie yang nak kene bukak bku excercise thn lps nie.
hmm, nak wat cmne lak lagi. nak xnak, kne wat jugak.
tu member aku pesan tuu. kene ingat laa.
esok ade kelas.
aku dah abaikan apeape yang berkaitan dgn Pandu Puteri.
ahhh! takde mase nak ambik tau.
sepatut nye aku kene pegi ikut yang laen ke Seremban.
ade perarakan dari A&W, Srmbn Parade, rumah MB dn ke A&W blk.
sume tu sempena memperingati jase2, bla bla bla minah omputeh yg dah mati tuu.
aishh..ntah pe2 laa. member2 aku yang ikut tu semate-mate nak meronde Srmban je tu.
nak gak tau brpe number yang dieorg bulehh collect nanti kan?? hak8!!
elahhh, nak kisah ape. sume yang berarak tu prmpuan nnt.
tengok laa pasukan yang paling byk belon nnt, tu laa pasukan skola aku.
cikgu2 tu laa, suro beli belon utk bawak mase perarakan.
aku teman member2 aku pegi beli belon lepas balik skola semalam.
aisehh, macam meriah je nnt tapi aku xpegi.
abaikan laa. nnt kelas nak msuk tajuk baru! weeeeeeee!!
seronok masuk bab baru.
lagi pun, makne nye esok tak ramai kat kelas.
buleh laaa buat port santai kat dalam kelas tu nnt.
monopoli kawasan2 kosong yang takde orang. hahahhaaa!!
aku dgn member2 aku yang laen suke buat cmtu wktu tak rmai orang.
hahahhahaaa! oke laahh, dh berlebih nehh.
baru beberape minit yang lepas jumpe survey nie kat blog sorang member.
member tu dah lame dah aku kenal,
dari dulu smpai sekarang muke diye tak berubah-ubah punn.
agak2 diye nehh awet mude ke?? name die Idora.
hmm, terlajak membace blog diye, jumpe lah pulak survey nehh
lalu aku pun skodeng2 laa isik kndungan survey nehh.
berkenan, aku pun klik butang kanan dan Copy.
cehhhhh...perangai aku nehh. aku unpredictable kann????
Do you believe in till death do us part?
hmm. dunno, jiwang bunyi eyyhh..ekekekkeekee!!
Do you believe in love at first sight?
no. y should i?
Would you date anyone you met online?
of course not. i aint desperate, at all.
Would you date the person who posted this?
hmm. dat makes me think a lot. LOL!
Do you believe in God?
as in Allah swt? Yepp. I do.
Do you believe in the afterlife?
yepp, as well as the hereafter.
Are you emotional?
Get along with your parents?
Get along with your siblings?
What food makes you want to gag?
gag? as in puke? barf? throw up? whatever..
How are you feeling right now?
i feel good. baru lepas solat lah kate kan..*poyo tahap dewa*
Have you made a prank phone call?
yepp, several times when i was 8. called the Bomba, Polis, Ambulance. tu laa, sape suro jual number kat public phone tuu. wakkakakakaa!
Are you too forgiving?
yepp, i am forgiving. a lot lah, i think.
Last time you cried?
hmmm..isk! isk! sodeyhh nak kasi tau.
Favorite time of the year?
the times when i can lepaking with my friends laa.
Do you have any tattoos?
nope. it's illegal.
What is your favorite animal?
none. hahahhaa! what for? i aint going to take care of any of them.
Have you ever crawled through a window?
yepp. dats why Dad put up those grills on the window. wakakakaa!
Have you ever been arrested?
yepp, a lot of times. ponteng itu, ponteng ini. lalalaaa, like i care.
Do you talk in your sleep?
nope. y? do u?
Like Thunderstorms?
yess! they make me feel GGGGOOOOOOOOODDDDD!
Ever caught a fish?
yep, i have. those in the circle box with the 15cm rod. LOL!
Whats your favorite season?
fruits season laaa. dats all i can have.
Do you have any pets?
the latest ran away, the others died already. i'm always up to no good.
Do you take walks often?
yepp, frequently.
Do you like to read?
a lot. cant stop when i start.
Do you like walking in the rain?
yepp, then i have to take my bubble bath. wakakaka!
Are you more outgoing or shy?
more to outgoing.
How is the weather right now?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate! vanilla memualkan..
Who would you like to see right now?
hm..lets see. uhmm, my friends laa. aweks2 aku. klo aku xtgk, spe lgi?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
3? who cares anyway.
Are you missing someone?
yepp..loads of someone.
Favorite drink?
hmm..entah. anything dat goes with chocolates?
Have you been in a car accident?
so far, no. gladd...
Do you exercise?
always. i have to climb up those stairs to get into the class, do dat count?
Ever been swimming in a lake or river?
hmmm..yes. not anymore though..
Have you ever driven a tractor?
somehow i think i have..myb not.
Have you ever been on a horse?
twice! merry-go-round, whatever that horsey thingy called.
Worked / Lived on a farm?
nope but there's some here in this district. sawah lebar???
Are you from the country?
nope. never been to Texas..wakakakaa!
Gone hunting?
a lot when i was younger. hunting for problems..
Gone fishing?
yepp. once or twice, maybe?
Been on a hay ride?
not yet, still..want to.
Camped under the stars?
yea. last year and the last 2 years ago :]
Fell asleep in a hay stack?
hmm? not yet, but looking forward to know what it feels like..
Own a pair of overalls?
i own none.
Ever shoveled manure?
Milked a cow?
not yet. maybe i will, for the sake of experience?? hehe!
hari nie biasebiase je.
takde yang best sangat, takde yang tak best langsung.
sume biase je. tapi taklah boring.
hm, kire okeoke jelah kowt ye.
ade sorang je member tak datang skola tadi.
akk diye kate, diye demam panas smpai masuk hospital.
cepatcepat lah sembuh, buleh lepaking lagi.
wakakakakaa! point aku tu aje.
dah sehat, jom laa ronggeng dengan aku.
*ayat taleyh bla*
agakagak diye bawak phone tak kat hospital uh?
ingat nak wish apeape yang patut.
hm, sempat jugak hari tu diye balut meja kat kelas.
baikkbaik member aku nie kan.
hm, tapi satu pulak tabiat diye - suke sound orang ikut suke hati je.
tapi bagus hape. sebab diye tak penah sound aku.
hm, dah dah laa tu. terbatuk-batuk pulak diye karang.
uhmm, tadi cikgu Norsyam dah kasi dah tugasan Sejarah.
malas nak citer laa an, aku dah buat dah sikit2. hahahhahaa!!
memang susah nak pecaye, kan? sebab aku tak buat apeape pun lagi.
relax laaa, cikgu baru kasi tadi lahh.
nanti kene lepak dgn clique yang ckgu dah asingasing kan tadi.
sebab senang nak carik bahan.
kalau cikgu tak buat cmnie, agak2 tak gerak laa kiteorg.
macam aku tak kenal je budak2 dalam kelas tuu.
dah lame dah aku jadi bendahari kelas, aku tau laa perangai masing2.
takyah bagi ape2 alasan, aku tau je ape masalah dieorg.
bukan susah nak kenal member dalam kelas sendiri nie.
laen laa kalau laenlaen kelas. kan, kan?
hmm. oke, end of story.
petang tadi balik skola ingat nak gi library siap kan keje skola.
tapi end up balik dengan ibu pulak.
batal kan je laa niat nak kuar balik tuu.
takde harapan punye. LOL! lagipun, xde mase laa nak kuar rumah skrng.
busy, busy. takde mase nak loitering merate-rate tempat lagi dahh.
tahun lepas pun tak banyak lepak.
2 tahun lepas, hmm. ade lahh beberape kali yang buleh dikire gune jari kaki.
peduli ape, kan? esok luse jumpe balik.
duduk rumah pun keje skola buleh siap. bukan nye susah.
cikgu dah kasi tunjuk ajar kat kelas, dah cukup.
tapi risau jugak pasal math tahun lepas.
banyak yang aku dah tak ingat laa. nie yang nak kene bukak bku excercise thn lps nie.
hmm, nak wat cmne lak lagi. nak xnak, kne wat jugak.
tu member aku pesan tuu. kene ingat laa.
esok ade kelas.
aku dah abaikan apeape yang berkaitan dgn Pandu Puteri.
ahhh! takde mase nak ambik tau.
sepatut nye aku kene pegi ikut yang laen ke Seremban.
ade perarakan dari A&W, Srmbn Parade, rumah MB dn ke A&W blk.
sume tu sempena memperingati jase2, bla bla bla minah omputeh yg dah mati tuu.
aishh..ntah pe2 laa. member2 aku yang ikut tu semate-mate nak meronde Srmban je tu.
nak gak tau brpe number yang dieorg bulehh collect nanti kan?? hak8!!
elahhh, nak kisah ape. sume yang berarak tu prmpuan nnt.
tengok laa pasukan yang paling byk belon nnt, tu laa pasukan skola aku.
cikgu2 tu laa, suro beli belon utk bawak mase perarakan.
aku teman member2 aku pegi beli belon lepas balik skola semalam.
aisehh, macam meriah je nnt tapi aku xpegi.
abaikan laa. nnt kelas nak msuk tajuk baru! weeeeeeee!!
seronok masuk bab baru.
lagi pun, makne nye esok tak ramai kat kelas.
buleh laaa buat port santai kat dalam kelas tu nnt.
monopoli kawasan2 kosong yang takde orang. hahahhaaa!!
aku dgn member2 aku yang laen suke buat cmtu wktu tak rmai orang.
hahahhahaaa! oke laahh, dh berlebih nehh.
baru beberape minit yang lepas jumpe survey nie kat blog sorang member.
member tu dah lame dah aku kenal,
dari dulu smpai sekarang muke diye tak berubah-ubah punn.
agak2 diye nehh awet mude ke?? name die Idora.
hmm, terlajak membace blog diye, jumpe lah pulak survey nehh
lalu aku pun skodeng2 laa isik kndungan survey nehh.
berkenan, aku pun klik butang kanan dan Copy.
cehhhhh...perangai aku nehh. aku unpredictable kann????
Do you believe in till death do us part?
hmm. dunno, jiwang bunyi eyyhh..ekekekkeekee!!
Do you believe in love at first sight?
no. y should i?
Would you date anyone you met online?
of course not. i aint desperate, at all.
Would you date the person who posted this?
hmm. dat makes me think a lot. LOL!
Do you believe in God?
as in Allah swt? Yepp. I do.
Do you believe in the afterlife?
yepp, as well as the hereafter.
Are you emotional?
Get along with your parents?
Get along with your siblings?
What food makes you want to gag?
gag? as in puke? barf? throw up? whatever..
How are you feeling right now?
i feel good. baru lepas solat lah kate kan..*poyo tahap dewa*
Have you made a prank phone call?
yepp, several times when i was 8. called the Bomba, Polis, Ambulance. tu laa, sape suro jual number kat public phone tuu. wakkakakakaa!
Are you too forgiving?
yepp, i am forgiving. a lot lah, i think.
Last time you cried?
hmmm..isk! isk! sodeyhh nak kasi tau.
Favorite time of the year?
the times when i can lepaking with my friends laa.
Do you have any tattoos?
nope. it's illegal.
What is your favorite animal?
none. hahahhaa! what for? i aint going to take care of any of them.
Have you ever crawled through a window?
yepp. dats why Dad put up those grills on the window. wakakakaa!
Have you ever been arrested?
yepp, a lot of times. ponteng itu, ponteng ini. lalalaaa, like i care.
Do you talk in your sleep?
nope. y? do u?
Like Thunderstorms?
yess! they make me feel GGGGOOOOOOOOODDDDD!
Ever caught a fish?
yep, i have. those in the circle box with the 15cm rod. LOL!
Whats your favorite season?
fruits season laaa. dats all i can have.
Do you have any pets?
the latest ran away, the others died already. i'm always up to no good.
Do you take walks often?
yepp, frequently.
Do you like to read?
a lot. cant stop when i start.
Do you like walking in the rain?
yepp, then i have to take my bubble bath. wakakaka!
Are you more outgoing or shy?
more to outgoing.
How is the weather right now?
Chocolate or Vanilla?
Chocolate! vanilla memualkan..
Who would you like to see right now?
hm..lets see. uhmm, my friends laa. aweks2 aku. klo aku xtgk, spe lgi?
How many pillows do you sleep with?
3? who cares anyway.
Are you missing someone?
yepp..loads of someone.
Favorite drink?
hmm..entah. anything dat goes with chocolates?
Have you been in a car accident?
so far, no. gladd...
Do you exercise?
always. i have to climb up those stairs to get into the class, do dat count?
Ever been swimming in a lake or river?
hmmm..yes. not anymore though..
Have you ever driven a tractor?
somehow i think i have..myb not.
Have you ever been on a horse?
twice! merry-go-round, whatever that horsey thingy called.
Worked / Lived on a farm?
nope but there's some here in this district. sawah lebar???
Are you from the country?
nope. never been to Texas..wakakakaa!
Gone hunting?
a lot when i was younger. hunting for problems..
Gone fishing?
yepp. once or twice, maybe?
Been on a hay ride?
not yet, still..want to.
Camped under the stars?
yea. last year and the last 2 years ago :]
Fell asleep in a hay stack?
hmm? not yet, but looking forward to know what it feels like..
Own a pair of overalls?
i own none.
Ever shoveled manure?
Milked a cow?
not yet. maybe i will, for the sake of experience?? hehe!