A very quick post from me.
I'm quite busy with school right now. Didnt really have the time for blogging but i'll try to post a little bit of something for the readers (if there is any, idk). Havent heard from my virtual / online friends for a verrrrryyy long time - i miss you, good fellows of mine (hahaa..)!!!
Hi'ya guys?? Any good news for me??, ithought dat i will be reserved for this jumping thing at school but this afternoon i went to check it again and, guess what? I'm not going to reserve in the game but to compete with the other oh-so-good athletes..what the..! Hell, i'mma break my own leg now. Not going to compete. Plus, when i try to jump, i cant jump right. I cant understand it why those teachers put my name on the list, esp in this jump-whatever-the-name-is game.
I'm not meant for that, misterr..wrong number laa, babe. Ade ke suro aq lompat kijang?? Adehhh..
Hm..other than that i got reserved for 400m race and lompat tinggi which i really want to play. Hahaa.. Not really but at least, it is something i'm good at (capital GOOD AT, not great or pro or anything. Just good). I tried the jump for only-God-knows-how-many times and succeeded 0 times. Idk how..
Hahaa..lompat tinggi pun dah cube tadi, byk kali dn plg tinggi yg aq sempat try 100cm aje. Lari utk 400m ?? Tdi saje lari long distance dgn Ain dan xwat latihan utk 400m pun..sbb reserve aje. Tpi mase tgh syok buat latihan, belum tau lgi psl aq reserve utk 400m dgn lompat tinggi tuu jdi b'latih je laa. Dh last minute bru tau aq msuk acare lompat kijang. Ntah pe2 je, tahun sbelum nie mne de acare tu msuk sukan skola. Heishhh..
Esk pkai bju pj lgi ke skola. Smpai hari jumaat kne gnti2 bju pj. Kesian uniform skola tu. Dh 'iron' tpi lum pkai. Hmm..minggu dpn laa. Jdi, utk lompat kijang esk..someone, just replace me!!!!!!!!!
A very quick post from me.
I'm quite busy with school right now. Didnt really have the time for blogging but i'll try to post a little bit of something for the readers (if there is any, idk). Havent heard from my virtual / online friends for a verrrrryyy long time - i miss you, good fellows of mine (hahaa..)!!!
Hi'ya guys?? Any good news for me??, ithought dat i will be reserved for this jumping thing at school but this afternoon i went to check it again and, guess what? I'm not going to reserve in the game but to compete with the other oh-so-good athletes..what the..! Hell, i'mma break my own leg now. Not going to compete. Plus, when i try to jump, i cant jump right. I cant understand it why those teachers put my name on the list, esp in this jump-whatever-the-name-is game.
I'm not meant for that, misterr..wrong number laa, babe. Ade ke suro aq lompat kijang?? Adehhh..
Hm..other than that i got reserved for 400m race and lompat tinggi which i really want to play. Hahaa.. Not really but at least, it is something i'm good at (capital GOOD AT, not great or pro or anything. Just good). I tried the jump for only-God-knows-how-many times and succeeded 0 times. Idk how..
Hahaa..lompat tinggi pun dah cube tadi, byk kali dn plg tinggi yg aq sempat try 100cm aje. Lari utk 400m ?? Tdi saje lari long distance dgn Ain dan xwat latihan utk 400m pun..sbb reserve aje. Tpi mase tgh syok buat latihan, belum tau lgi psl aq reserve utk 400m dgn lompat tinggi tuu jdi b'latih je laa. Dh last minute bru tau aq msuk acare lompat kijang. Ntah pe2 je, tahun sbelum nie mne de acare tu msuk sukan skola. Heishhh..
Esk pkai bju pj lgi ke skola. Smpai hari jumaat kne gnti2 bju pj. Kesian uniform skola tu. Dh 'iron' tpi lum pkai. Hmm..minggu dpn laa. Jdi, utk lompat kijang esk..someone, just replace me!!!!!!!!!