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first february thursday

i ran , i jumped , i didnt look retarded

boo hoo hoo ,

hm , i have had the instict to write another entry when i published the last one . so , here it comes , my darling ! hahaa , suke suke hati jea panggil 'darling' . i'm pretty sure you've read the title . well , if you dont read it yet , do it now . haha , i dont mind if you dont .

uhm , the first Thurday of the month February . it was good . i can hardly remember the badd times . yeah , i dont have to think of it if i dont want to . last week , i've got my number topped up . hehee . i went to top it up with a friend after the school ended . willing to accompany me and even offered the ears to hear me and laugh at my jokes which are good most of the times . haha , i'm such a blabber box when i'm all alone with only a friend by my side . yeahhh . i may not have any other time to have that kind of walk with that friend since the principal of TTJ agreed to another student - which happen to be my friend !

ughh , it sucks when that was not the only friend i have to let go .

so , after this , no more that kind of good walk together . hahaa , how pathetic .

this morning , i've got myself in my school blue and black sport top . i hate it because the sleeve was purposely made a little shorter than it should be [ you know what three-quarter tops look like , i just hate it ] . now , my wrist would be burnt by the sunlight when i wear that top . i can imagine myself being a zebra again , yeah . well , ughh . then , i went downstairs and put my white scarf on . weeehehehee ! mesti lah , pakai baju sekola , pakai lah tudung sekola jugak . gone to school at 7 something - late , of course . when i walk to the class , i can hear the key-chains on the bag were banged on each other . i think every single student who walked near me that morning would have heard . hahaahaha . if the bag have a mouth , it would have shouted at me , "Can you put that key-chain away from thaaaat key-chain on the left ? I'm the one who they're staring at ." and i would have continue my morning walk in silent because i think i heard my bag complaining ? weird .

got my A with the double S seated on the yellowish plastic chair , of course by the 3V , hahaaa ! tu lahh - you see , i observe . and then , i set my eyes on my friends . some were doing homeworks and some were just loitering about . after the teacher came in the class , the time table continues . gahaahhaa , sometimes i dont like the time table , esp Tuesdays' . ughh , with maths , add maths , history and all sorts of things - burden ! and it doesnt feel as if there is any recess . burrrr ..

on that day , class ended at 1pm . pheww .. we've got to get ready for the sport event this afternoon . yeah . we have to run for points , jump like stupidos , throw super heavy round ball , blah blah blah . but , as for the Melewar Form4[s] , we just do whatever we could . i'm not good in sport and i know that pretty well . hahaa . so , i just jumped like i was retarded , well , of course i'm not retarded . haha . and i ran like maniac aftering a wild dog . gahahaa , and throw things like i didnt eat my supper [ hahaa , more like i didnt eat any thing ] . and , yayy me ! i didnt get any point for my own sport house , well , what do i care ? it's not my fault i'm not good in sport .. haha , is it ?

whatever~ i dont need to be good at sport anyways . i'm not majorr mega-o-mega faaaatttt . i only weight 38kg , what to worry about ? hahaa .

uhm , after all those sporty stuff that i didnt really enjoy , i just drink plain water . and got pissed off by a teacher who purposely lied to me , hahaha ! i was not pissed off laahhh .. she was just joking . ade ke patut cikgu sarankan aku minum air gule uh , mentang2 lah warne ala2 air mineral biase uh kan . hahaa . tertipu aku . ciss .. takpe takpe . tak kesah . da tak haus dahhh .. hehe . but then , another teacher told me that there was some more plain water underneath the table . haha , i just went and drink cups for my kidney . there , there , both of my kidneys . hahaa .

then , kawan ajak balik same but , time balik tak jumpe pulak diye kat mane . ending , Khaleeda anta mesej kat ibu aku . hehee . beberape minit sebelum ibu aku sampai , baru lah aku terjumpe balik member uh . haha . takpe lahh , laen kali . tomorrow never die .

lately , aku tak paham dengan diye . why must you stop knowing me ? blah blah blah . and i dont know why i even bother to ask myself about that . the question is yours to answer .


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