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Feelin' Lazy Lately??

So, what do ya think? Yeah, haven't have plenty time for blogging currently. So, have a nice view of this funny yet very interesting video with relaxing song. Lazy lazy lazy...

Hee, today is Tuesday. Tons of words are used - vulgar words were here and there. Anywhere I feel like appropriate to use 'em. You know why? Because there was this scumbag at my school think he's really smart. Mom said he's nothing close to 'educated' as he think he was. Way to go, Mom!! Hoorey hoorey.

Back to my story.

I was eating with a bunch of friends. Let me tell ya, actually, I was trying to eat when suddenly came this man out of no where. Not like he's a magician or what-hell-ever. He just stood there at the corner of the table where my friends and I was eating and asked if the food was good. I just nodded, a friend replied something like, "Hm, it was OK." - like one simple yet not so short respond. Don't get me wrong, it's not like we were being rude or whatever - it's just, why us? You're a man, why don't you asked those boys instead?

I thought the drama ended already. But, to your amazement... he said, "Today seems like everyone left their ears at home. Blah blah blah" I was like, what? I did respond, didn't I? My other friends stopped eating for a while. The table gone wild for a moment. There were answers like, 'I did replied to his question', 'I said OK', 'Why?', 'What's with this man?', 'Yeah,yeah. You're the only one who's smart here.', 'What is your problem?', 'What's wrong', 'Huh???', 'Whaa?' The other students should have heard everything he said to us. He speaks in English, telling that there's something wrong with today's generation, about how we didn't respect the elders, about the problems this world is having with us living on it. He also said, "You fuckin' bloody don't respect me." He said it over and over again til he got on his bike and left. I don't know if he didn't see or hear the reponse we made but, next time he should take off his sunglass lahh. There's no SUMMER in Malaysia, scumbag!

Blank stares. Push away my plate - food still in it. I feel like throwing it to that filthy old man. I broke into tears. Even my parents have never used such word when they are talking to me. Suddenly, I feel like, "I want my Mom!!!". I ran upstairs - to the class. The girl who sit beside me in class called but, I just went away. Upstairs, hmmph, that teacher teased me. Still holding the tears, hold it, hold it! In class, grabbed my drinking bottle and went to the backdoor. I sat on the class floor, feet on the coridor, hands on my bottle. Opened it, took a sip after another. A classmate, maybe he realised the look upon my face - asked one question and I just couldn't hold it any longer. Sobbing made me feel better, wakakaa.

Habis je kelas Agame waktu tu, dok kat luar tunggu kawan sbelah uh. Ustazah nak jumpa dia sangat. Ps uh, ustzah tnye, "Knpe kmu? Ade org kcau? Ha, Umirul?". Kwn tu pulak ingat aku dmm - dia tak tau. Ustzah ckap lagi, "Klau org tu pelajar skola bleh lah sye ckap cket kat dia. Ni org lain, sye pun tak brpe knal, dia ade mslah mental agknya." Red eyes - tadi da brenti dah, ustzah ckap blik psal uh terus nanges balik. Dlm hati, tak gune betul laki tua tu. Ntah ape di-nak-kan ntah. Mrah2 aku pulak. Bgi tau ustzh yg aku angguk je mse org tu tnye tp npe org tu nk marah2 sgt.. bukan aku buat dosa besar pun kat kntin tu tadi - nak makan je. Tu pun tak jadi, baru 2,3 suap terus patah selera aku. Ntah ape dose aku kat org tua tu smpy dia nk guna 'fucking bloody' mse ckap dgn aku n mber lain. Fkir lah balik, sape yg kurang ajar sbena nye.


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