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dear shopkeeper,

as i was walking pass the bus station, a shopkeeper greeted me from behind, "yah umi.apa khabar?". haha. all of a sudden, it brought back those memories. i used to be here often after school when i was fifteen - with friends of course. why would i want to be alone in a place with so many people? i dislike being in a crowd. i used to have to walk home from school so, i stopped there for a short rest - maybe get some sip of water, have a talk or maybe accompany the last friend waiting for her bus. then, i'd continue my walk. i answered,

"ah uncle. baik je."
"bagus. umi ape ye? sekolah mana sekarang?"
"umirul lah, uncle. hee, dah abes sekolah dah."
"oh. ye ye. dapat matriks?"
"matriks dapat. kat sini jugak."
"bagus bagus. tu luqman mana? lama tak nampak."
"ehh, luqman? dia dah pindah masa form 3, uncle."
"oh. saya dengar ayah dia pun pindah. di seremban."
"ha tu lah. lama tak dengar citer dia tu. kat seremban yeah?"
"yelah. selalu dengan kamu tu."
"dulu, uncle. okay lah. nak teman kawan pegi bank ni. bye, uncle."
"haa, jumpa lagi."
memang lama kott tak nampak luqman tu. tapi asal jumpa aku je, uncle tu tanya luqman. aku sendiri pun tak tau mana dia hilang. number dia pun aku tak penah ada. haha. memang jenis tak minta number kott. sampai kawan aku, ami penah cakap,

"wei kau. aku tak penah tau number kau."
"haa lah, aku pun tak tau number korg."
"kau memang tak mintak ke num budak-budak ni?"
"hee, tak. sebab kat sekolah hari-hari jumpa."
"yeke. abes kau contact cmne? facebook pun kau takde."
"takde lah num sume orang aku takde. malas nak text kott."
"aku pun jarang text. ade num simpan je lah."

luqman was a new form three student back then. pendiam tapi bila bercakap, suka hati je. sampai kawan aku penah terasa hati dengan dia. haha. but, it was just a little issue. solved. we were rather close because we live near to each other - satu taman kott. jadi masa balik tu sama-sama lah. dia salu citer masa kecik dulu dia chubby. haha. penah tunjuk video rupa dia masa form one. "a'ah lah, luqman. chubby gila kau." pun macam tu masa form three tu dia bukan lah underweight macam aku ni ha. just nice kott - macam the other fifteen year olds. senang cakap dengan luqman ni sebab banyak jugak persamaan.
"selalu maths kau okay tak?"
"okay? haha. yelah, okay."
"aku lebih kurang lah. pe yang kau tak minat maths tu?"
"aku tak suka fractions."
"betol. haha. aku pun sama."

and this one time, while we were walking home from the library...
"awak tak perasan saya sebab awak perasan awak cantik."
"takyah lah kau baca baju budak tu."
"aku tak suka baju ada tulisan emo emo ni."
"ha, sama. aku pun tak suka."

haha. kalau balik sekolah tu memang sebutir-sebutir cerita keluar. lagi kelakar masa dia cerita pasal benda yang dia tak puas hati. aku tumpang gelak je lah. then, if there's a dog infront he'd be the one who took the stones and threw them. i just stood there behind him because i had this unpleasant experience with dogs when i was around ten. yeah, i can feel adrenaline flooding my vein even when those dogs only give me 'the stare'. ugh. i hate being scared. hm. i think that's all for today. so much for the reason why that shopkeeper always asked me about luqman.  

Dear NURUL KHALEEDA, happy eighteenth birthday. May Allah swt bless your every day.


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