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The Vow

Today tengok The Vow.

Last time dah tengok tapi part yang akhir jea. Mula dari Paige jumpa dengan Diane masa tengah shop groceries tu. Hm tak tahu pula cerita dia seronok jugak. Hahaha takda lah seronok tapi sedap lah.

I pity Leo jea dari awal sampai habis movie sebab dia macam penyabar sangat - but then, his sacrifices tu paid off lah sebab ending Paige suka jugak kat Leo. Awwwhh sukaa tgok The Vow.

Psto hari ni ingat nak pergi lepak matric but I have no guts to go in there. I could drive all the way right to the front gate but I need someone to accompany me. That place holds too many memories. Too many. Takut nanti masuk situ psto tetiba I cant hold my tears ke apa. Esp bila nampak astaka. Padang tu. Semua lah.

Just thinking about it makes my heart pounds faster.

1st of December - birthday ayah. Birthday sorg player Chelsea, yeah, you know who. However, Paul Walker died tragically. He was at the passenger seat while test driving Mitsubishi ke apa kereta entah with another friend yang mati jugak in that accident. The most terrifying part is that the car actually exploded. One guy sempat record video and shared it online so my brother and I went to watch it this evening. Uhh despite the burning car, that place look so quiet macam tkda orang lain lalu situ.

Yeah, like, have you watched the movie Rush yet? Yup, that one yang ada Chris Hemsworth tu. If tkda orang sangat kat situ by that time and both men still pada state where mereka conscious or what. Hm being eaten alive by flames are not going to be comforting, you know. Mcm apa yang jadi kat that guy hm Chris Hemsworth punya rival in that movie.

Omg, my own words terrify me sometimes. Goshhhh


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